Wednesday, 28 September 2011

The Ley Hunter's Companion

Sub Loam's current release, The Ley Hunter's Companion (on Dissolving Records) has just been reviewed in this month's textura magazine. Those of you who enjoyed Earthern Circle, or indeed 2 and Ohr, may well enjoy this one, too.

It's available at the moment from Ultima Thule (on the racks with a couple of key influences, if you look hard enough... :) ), Fluid Radio's retail arm Stashed Goods, Boomkat, Phonica, Bleep and Norman's.


This blog is intended to be a simple resource to help anyone interested to keep up to date with current and upcoming Sub Loam releases and projects from one site.

Any enquiries, musical or otherwise, feel free to get in contact via the email address listed in the 'details' section on the sidebar.

There are lots of releases planned for the near future, so keep checking back over the coming weeks...